18th April 2024

The Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go and catch up with that carriage...” - Acts 8:29

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we hear of messages delivered by angels, by the Spirit, in dreams and even of direct communication with God himself.

How come this doesn’t seem to happen to us?

Perhaps we need to look at the ‘human element’ in the story. All those who received messages, lived in close communion with God – Abraham, Moses, Samuel…. Mary, Joseph….. Philip. They were all attuned to His voice.

The world is filled with distracting sounds that vie for our attention and we, sometimes, contribute to this noise that filters out what we really need to hear. If we make the conscious effort to find silent space and commune with God, we will hear His voice: in our own hearts, through messengers, signs and incidents.

Hearing God’s voice is not the privilege of a few, it is a gift that is given to all of us. All we need to do is listen!